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TOP 5 Architects dans Bonita Springs Florida

Meilleur Architects dans Bonita Springs Florida - June 2024

Donnelly Design Build, Inc.

he principal of this small company, Rich Donnelly has over 20 years of building design experience in the southwest Florida market area . The major focus of the company is custom home design and remodeling projects, but the firm has also designed mid to small commercial projects such as restaurants and retail spaces.
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Kukk Architecture & Design P.A.

Kukk Architecture & Design, P.A. is a design oriented architectural firm specializing in restaurants, single family residential, small commercial projects and remodel/additions. We have built projects throughout Florida and have worked throughout the country.
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South Florida Design

South Florida Design are based in Southwest Florida. Partners Greg Weber and Adnan Ahmedic have been designing award-winning custom homes for 25 years. Their designs can be found locally as well as internationally. With a focus on style, attention to detail and each client’s unique needs, we have a passion for replicating those needs into a house plan of the highest quality.
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Sater Design Collection, Inc.

The Sater Design Collection was established in 1994. It was created by Dan F. Sater II, FAIBD/CPBD/CGP, as an evolution from his award-winning custom home design business, The Sater Group, established in 1984. In an effort to combine custom quality designs with more affordable pre-drawn house plans, Sater Design Collection has become one of the country’s most recognized residential design firms specializing in luxury home plan designs.
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Architecture Joyce Owens llc

Studio AJO is an architecture firm, so mostly we design buildings. Really, we design beauty for busybodies and stay-at-homes, educators and restauranteurs, bakers and fashionistas, lawyers and artists. People come to us with a dream, a story, a good idea–we give them happiness wrapped up in a set of drawings. We want you to work with Studio AJO because we want you to live happy.
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