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TOP 5 General Contractors en Venice Florida

Mejor General Contractors en Venice Florida - June 2024

Phillips Contracting, Inc.

Phillips Contracting, Inc. is a state certified building contractor in Florida. We are approved REO repair vendors for both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. PCI currently provides multi-level services to Realtors, banks, asset managers, and private home owners.
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Beechwood Builders Inc.

Providing you with full service care that begins even before the design comes to life. Let us help you by providing a top quality team that will make sure your vision is realized. Our consultants will create a bid sheet detailing the scope of work, line-item pricing for each segment of work, and a timeline for completion.
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Two Palms Construction LLC

We specialize in condo remodels. We are set up to produce quality results in the challenging environments of condominiums. We pay special attention to the rules and regulations of each facility we provide services in. We understand that the hallways and lobbies are also your home.
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Sally Rowley Venice FL

Sally Rowley Venice FL is a project manager who is currently living in Venice, FL. She works for NRT, a real estate brokerage company who is based in Sarasota. She has many responsibilities as the regional planning and construction manager for the company’s southeast branch. One of her biggest responsibilities is capital budgeting. Capital budgeting is the business process of evaluating large potential expenditures or investments.
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Ocean Builders of S W florida Inc

Ocean Builders was originally founded with the intents of bringing forth a construction company that the public had yet to experience. Ocean achieves its goal with every project completed, proving itself as a distinguished company in the industry of construction.
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